Thursday, March 5, 2009

News flash -- crime report

I´m in a complete rage today. I´ve just realised that a pair of my jeans and two tops have been stolen while we have been in Spain. Don´t know whether it happened in Madrid, Toledo or Cordoba, but I am livid. It´s most likely been housekeeping staff somewhere we´ve stayed. Wouldn´t matter so much if I wasn´t already living on next to no clothing. I had two pairs of jeans -- now I have one and they are filthy. One top was a jumper (sweater) and the other was a deluxe, lightweight merino thermal from New Zealand. The latter is irreplaceable. At least no one took a bra or a pair of shoes. Those who know me would realise I would be in BIG trouble on both/either ´front´.


Kiwidutch said...

Grrr, that a lousy discovery, it's not the monetary value that rankles most, rather that these small but important things can't be replaced when you need them most. I can only hope that "what goes around, comes around" for the culprit. It's too much to hope that they will have a conscience at all or they probably wouldn't have been thieving in the first place. Hopefully there will be somewhere to replace the jersey and jeans with something comparable. Don't let it get you down... for every bad person in the world there are 1000 good people. Think of yummy strawberries and good experiences to come :)

African Dream said...

Thanks Kiwidutch for your good wishes. I've managed to replace the jeans. Went into a store in Sevilla (day trip) and saw a pair I thought might fit. They did and were on sale -- only 13.90 euros. Also found a jumper on sale -- 12.95. The thief won't have a conscience, but I bet their life will be miserable for at least a while.

Emma said...

I'm not sure about the "bad conscience" thing especially because they'll get to enjoy your great merino jumper... poor poor Peggy... I actually thought myself that one of my jumper had been stolen too but I just didn't bring it to Spain... I'm glad the stuff you found in Seville were on sales though, at least one nice thing happened!!!
Miss you lots, Enjoy Malaga <3 xxx